Hur gör man vispgrädde?

För att göra vispgrädde behöver du:

- Kraftig vispgrädde, kall

- En blandningsskål

- En visp eller elektrisk mixer

- Socker efter smak

- Optional:vanilla extract or other flavorings


1. Kyl ner vispgrädden och skålen: Before starting, make sure the heavy whipping cream and mixing bowl are well-chilled. This will help the cream whip up faster and produce a stiffer texture.

2. Visa grädden: Using a whisk or an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, start whipping the cold cream on medium speed. The cream will gradually start to thicken and form soft peaks.

3. Tillsätt socker och smakämnen (valfritt): Once the cream has reached soft peaks, gradually add sugar to taste. You can also add vanilla extract or other flavorings at this stage. Continue whipping the cream until it reaches stiff peaks. This means that the peaks of the whipped cream will hold their shape when you lift the whisk or mixer.

4. Servera eller kyl: Your freshly made whipped cream is now ready to use. Du kan servera den direkt ovanpå desserter, drycker eller frukter, eller så kan du förvara den i en lufttät behållare i kylskåpet för senare användning. However, it's best to use it within a day or two for the best flavor and texture.