Jak zlikvidujete žluklý tuk?

1. Nalijte tuk do uzavíratelného plastového sáčku. Ujistěte se, že jste z nádoby dostali veškerý tuk.

2. Sáček dobře utěsněte a umístěte jej do odpadkového koše.

3. Wash the container thoroughly with hot soapy water. This will remove any residual shortening that could attract pests.

4. Recycle the container according to your local recycling guidelines.

Here are some additional tips for disposing of rancid shortening:

* If you have a large amount of shortening to dispose of, you may want to contact your local waste management company for instructions.

* Do not pour shortening down the drain, as it can clog your pipes.

* Do not compost rancid shortening, as it can attract pests and contaminate your compost pile.